Episode 25 – Building a Sales Process

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Cheeky Sales Coach Episode 25 – Building a Sales Process

The final “Sales” video in this 50-video series is all about bringing the last 24 episodes together. You can’t just “do” sales – you need a process. What does that mean? What does it look like?

In this episode, Karl walks through the pieces you need to build your sales process, document it, and then use that documentation to manage your sales campaigns and set targets for the next campaign. A key piece of this is to document your Sales Funnel with an Excel spreadsheet. 

Cheeky Sales Coach members can download a model sales funnel spreadsheet at https://cheekysalescoach.com.

Program note: Beginning next week, we start the Cheeky Marketing Videos. As with sales, we will present 25 videos on the most important things you need to know about marketing in the 2020’s.

Catch up on all the videos and podcasts at https://cheekysalescoach.com.


Check out this episode!

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